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You can claim damages from the airlines only when the event which caused the loss, delay or damage took place on board the aircraft or during any period within which the checked baggage was in the charge of the carrier.

Additionally, in case of unchecked baggage, the carrier is liable if the damage has resulted from its fault or that of its agents.


International Carriage:

  • In case of loss, delay or damage to baggage, the liability is limited to 1,131 SDR per passenger
  • In case of loss, delay or damage to cargo, the liability is limited to 19 SDR per kg

Domestic Carriage:

  • In case of death of or bodily injury to a passenger on-board an aircraft, the airline is liable to pay damages up to 113,100 SDR per passenger.
  • In case of death inside the aircraft due to natural causes, airline is not liable to pay any compensation.

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