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Random Post-arrival Testing Begins at Delhi Airport amid Rising COVID-19 Concerns

Random Post-arrival Testing Begins at Delhi Airport amid Rising COVID-19 Concerns

December 23, 2022

The first case of coronavirus in India was detected in January 2020. After that, the virus spread aggressively, and numerous people got affected. While the past few months witnessed a decrease in COVID-19 cases, winters are recording an increase in the coronavirus trajectory in some countries. In light of these spiked numbers, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has revised guidelines for International Arrivals in India. A sub-section of 2% of international arrivals will now have to undergo random COVID-19 testing at the airport. Here is what you should know about the same.

What should you know about the random post-arrival testing at the Delhi Airport?

Following the advisory issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the Ministry of Civil Aviation revised its guidelines for International arrivals on Thursday. According to the new instructions, 2% of the flyers will have to undertake random post-arrival testing at the Delhi Airport from December 24. This is being done to reduce the risk of ingress of the new COVID-19 variant BF.7 in India.

Flyers who will take the test will be identified by their respective airlines. These travellers, preferably from different countries, will be free to leave the facility after providing the samples. The positive results will be sent for genome testing, and the patients shall be treated according to the laid down protocol.

As per the guidelines, children under 12 years of age are exempted from post-arrival random testing. However, if a kid is symptomatic for coronavirus on arrival or during the self-monitoring period, he shall undergo testing and treatment as per the protocols.

What are the other guidelines for International arrivals coming to Delhi airport?

1. Before travelling

Air travellers should preferably be vaccinated according to the primary schedule of vaccination against COVID-19 before commencing the journey.

2. While travelling

The Ministry of Civil Aviation has asked to make announcements in-flights and at all the entry points about the ongoing pandemic and the precautionary measures. This will help spread awareness about COVID-19 among flyers. The guidelines also mention that if passengers show signs of COVID-19 while travelling, they will be isolated and segregated from other travellers. Later, they will be sent to a medical facility for follow-up treatment.

3. Upon arrival

At the Delhi Airport, the flyers need to de-board following physical distancing. Also, they shall undergo thermal screening at the points of entry. If someone is found symptomatic during the process, he shall be immediately isolated and taken to the designated medical facility. Moreover, air travellers are advised to self-monitor their health for a few days after arrival and report to the nearest healthcare facility if they develop COVID-19 symptoms.

International travellers planning a trip to India should keep these guidelines in mind to ensure a safe and healthy journey.

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