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Delhi Airport Set To Reopen T2 for Domestic Flight Operations

Delhi Airport Set To Reopen T2 for Domestic Flight Operations

20 July 2021

After the recent shutdown owing to the second wave of COVID-19, Delhi Airport is all set to reopen T2 once again for domestic flight operations! The flight operations will recommence with effect from Thursday, July 22 at 0001 hours.

After the Delhi Airport started witnessing gradual growth in passenger footfall post relaxation in lockdown, the terminal is finally prepared and happy to provide a safe and healthy environment to passengers!

Several measures have been implemented at the airport to ensure passenger safety without compromising their comfort and experience:

Web Check-In:

10 Scan & Fly and 3 CUSS kiosks will be available for passengers having done web check-in. Those who have not done the mandatory web-check in before arrival will be supported by assistance counters at the departure forecourt.

E-Boarding and E-Processing:

10 e-processing kiosks have been installed at the entry gates to establish a contactless process for entry to the terminal and security checkpoint. 10 e-boarding kiosks have been set up at the entry gates, 8 at the main security hold area, and 4 at the Express Check-in lane.

Social Distancing and Contactless Shopping:

  • The Security Hold Area (SHA) has been expanded to make adequate seating arrangements and enhanced retail options.
  • After security checks, which are efficiently equipped with social distancing initiatives like queue managers, floor markings, and allocation of alternate seats, along with the installation of automatic hand sanitizer at various places and tray disinfection, the passengers will move to SHA, where they can access food court, lounges, and retail shops. 

Boarding Gate:

Passengers are requested not to use seats with yellow bands to ensure social distance. Queue managers would be deployed at boarding & bussing gates.

Arriving Passengers:

The arrival forecourt has been revamped with the pathway, connecting T2 and T3. Buggy services will be available for people with reduced mobility (PRM) and senior citizens. Social distancing and sanitization are encouraged and implemented through markings, seating arrangements, hand sanitizers at the exit, and additional queue managers at the kerbside, check-in halls, security check areas, and boarding gates.

Sanitization Protocol:

  • Apart from regulating distancing, wearing of masks correctly, and adequate sanitization, a team of more than 200 housekeeping personnel work round-the-clock to ensure that deep cleaning of T2 is carried out 24X7 including regular sanitization of high contact surfaces.
  • Washrooms will be closed after every hour to sanitize all its surfaces through regular cleaning.
  • The air-conditioning system of all the passenger areas inside the terminal is capable of changing the air twice an hour to ensure that the fresh air is inducted regularly. About 150 air filters have also been replaced.
  • Delhi Airport was also the first in India to introduce Luminometers to ensure surfaces of high contact areas are safe, hygienic, and free from any living or dead bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms after the disinfection exercise.

Delhi airport assures its passengers that they would be in a safe and healthy environment, and will continue its awareness drive by educating and encouraging passengers to wear face masks and maintain social distance while at the airport. With all safety protocols in place, Terminal 2 is all set to fly!

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