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Delhi Airport once again emerges as the Best Airport in ACI-ASQ Award for 2020

Delhi Airport once again emerges as the Best Airport in ACI-ASQ Award for 2020

03 March 2021

Delhi Airport, for the third consecutive year, has earned the Airport Service Quality award for ‘Best Airport in Size and Region’ in Asia-Pacific for 2020.

The airport’s efforts have been recognised by Airports Council International (ACI) in the category of over 40 Million Passengers Per Annum (MPPA).

The Airport Service Quality programme by ACI is the world’s leading airport customer experience measurement and benchmarking programme. The ASQ Departures programme measures passenger’s satisfaction across 34 key performance indicators along with rigorous quality control processes.

More than half of the world’s travellers pass through an ASQ airport.

The award lands at a critical time juncture, with the context of COVID-19 and its impact on global passenger traffic in 2020 as well as changing customer perceptions and expectations of the airport experience. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Delhi Airport has been successful in providing a superior customer experience under trying circumstances.

Delhi Airport had retained the position of World No. 2 for three consecutive years till 2013 under 25-40 MPPA category. In 2017, it was adjudged as the world’s best airport in the highest category of more than 40 MPPA. The airport was adjudged as best airport in the highest category of more than 40 MPPA for two consecutive years in 2018 and 2019 in Asia Pacific Region.

In addition, Delhi Airport has achieved Airport Health Accreditation from ACI in November 2020 for its commitment to prioritizing health & safety measures in accordance with ICAO Council Aviation Restart Task Force (CART) recommendations and has been recognized with the ACI World’s prestigious “Voice of Customer” recognition for its continuous efforts in gathering passenger feedback, understanding customer needs and ensuring customer's voice was heard during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

Delhi Airport has always strived to raise the bar in terms of passenger experience and operational excellence. This award is a testimony of continued improvements in service delivery. With the onset of COVID-19, it has been a priority to make flying safer and provide a superior and seamless experience to all travellers flying through Delhi Airport

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